Daughter and dad naming a star

Name a Memorial Star

Name a star for the deceased and keep him or her shining in the night sky forever!

Star Certificate

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Keep him or her shining in the stars

There is a saying that if someone dies, you'll find him among the stars. Name a real star after the deceased and get a unique remembrance gift set to keep for yourself or to show your condolences by handing the gift set over to the bereaved.

Name a star with Star Registration, the leading star-naming provider in over 30 countries. Withover 10.000 positive 5-star reviews, we are also the most rated company for star registrations!

Visible Stars

We only name stars that are guaranteed visible, so you will be able to find the star within minutes and without any additional tools required.

Star Register App

To find the named star, you can simply download our iOS or Android app, enter your registration number and let your phone guide you!

App Star Finder

iphone mockup

Trova la tua stella con facilità

Semplicemente inserisci il tuo numero di registrazione e la nostra app ti guiderà alla stella nominata.

Realtà Aumentata

Il tuo telefono guiderà esattamente i tuoi occhi alla posizione della stella in qualsiasi momento della giornata.

Notifiche in Tempo Reale

Ricevi notifiche quando la tua stella sorge sull'orizzonte e diventa visibile

Questa app è una delle migliori che ho usato per osservare le stelle!

Michael J.

Things to consider

Name a visible star

If you name a star that can't be seen from the recipient's location, it will cause frustration. In the beginning, we ask for your country, so we can make sure to name a star that never settles below the horizon and is visible throughout the whole year. That way the deceased one will always be visible among the stars.

Good to know

A sympathy gift should be special. Make sure to name a visible memorial star.

Choose the right partner

Getting a unique memorial gift isn't easy. Choose the right partner so the keepsake will never be forgotten. Star-Registration knows how important a memorial gift is and our team is trained for such special occasions!

Choose an expert

We have been experts in naming memorial stars for deceased persons since 2011!

I clienti ❤️ ci amano

Leggi alcune delle nostre oltre 10.000 recensioni

This was an amazing memorial gift for my daughter-in-law and family. They feel comforted by being able to see that star so clearly in the night sky. Thank you much!

Pamela Ruemmele

I named a star in honor of a recently deceased dear friend. The personalized framed poster that contained my own words of tribute was a loving gift to his grieving family. Unlike flowers or a fruit basket, this will serve as a constant reminder of their loved one.


This was a memorial gift to my best friend for her son sudden death. Thank you for making this gift so special

Kim Childress

My sister in law lost her father and she it was a beautiful gift for her to have a star named after him. The best sympathy gift.


This is the 2nd star I named. The first was a memorial for my mother in law who passed. This one for my husband's birthday. This was something he definitely didn't have. He loved it!! On time delivery and beautiful certificate. Now I need to figure out the star finder app.thank you

Lori Nichols

I bought this as a gift for a friend who just lost her mother. She said it was the most beautiful gift she had received and had brought her to tears. How amazing knowing u can look up at night and know there’s a star out there just for you. Highly recommend this to everyone.

Laura Lea

Tutte le offerte includono

Certificato & Mappa Stellare

Riceverai un certificato stellare personalizzato per la tua stella nominata. Offriamo una vasta selezione di diversi disegni, così come la possibilità di aggiungere una dedica personale.

Inoltre, riceverai la tua mappa stellare personale, sulla quale si possono trovare tutte le informazioni importanti sulla posizione della tua stella.

Factsheet and app for the named star

Scheda informativa & App

Inoltre, ogni set di denominazione stellare contiene un foglio splendidamente progettato con consigli utili e informazioni che ti aiuteranno a trovare la tua stella nominata nel cielo notturno.

L'accesso alla nostra app offre un'esperienza speciale nella ricerca della tua stella! Il tuo telefono ti guiderà dove guardare per trovare la tua stella nominata in qualsiasi data e ora!

Star Registration Gift Folder

Cartella Regalo Premium

Tutti i tuoi documenti sono confezionati in una bellissima cartella di presentazione. Quindi non sono solo particolarmente ben protetti, ma sono anche pronti per essere regalati!

Contiene anche alcune informazioni interessanti sulla registrazione stellare in sé e sui documenti inclusi.

Nomina una Stella

Set Regalo Completo su tutti i Pacchetti

Tutti i nostri pacchetti includono un certificato stellare, mappa celeste, schede informative e la cartella di presentazione!

Garanzia del Miglior Prezzo

Trovato un prezzo più basso altrove? Rimborsiamo la differenza

  • Name a Star Standard
    £34.90 59.90
    Speciale di Capodanno - Salva 42%
    • Nomina una singola stella
    • Visibile ad occhio nudo
    • Splendido set regalo
    • Inserimento nel Registro Stellare
    • Accesso online al Registro
    • Download dell'App Planetario
    • Scheda informativa sulla tua stella

    Consegna stimata: prima

    PDF digitale in anticipo
  • Name a Binary Star
    £89.90 129.90
    Speciale di Capodanno - Salva 31%
    • Nomina una doppia stella
    • Visibile ad occhio nudo
    • Splendido set regalo
    • Inserimento nel Registro Stellare
    • Accesso online al Registro
    • Download dell'App Planetario
    • Scheda informativa sulla tua stella


    Cosa rende questo speciale?

    • Molto facile da localizzare
    • Due stelle che orbitano l'una intorno all'altra
    • Le stelle più luminose e grandi

    Consegna stimata: prima

    PDF digitale in anticipo

Questions & Answers

What is a memorial star?

Every person has a soul, and people say once a person dies, it leaves the body and goes among the stars. Naming a star after the deceased person is a beautiful gift with a deep symbolic meaning. The left ones often have it easier if they know, that he or she is looking down on them.

Let him or her shine

Keep a deceased shining in the stars

What is included in the sympathy gift set?

Our gift set to remember a deceased person includes a star certificate with a personal dedication, a celestial map and a factsheet about the named star. Everything comes wrapped in a beautiful presentation folder, ready to hand over!

Sympathy gift set

You'll get a full gift-set including a beautiful set of documents.

Why is it a great memorial gift?

Because the left ones will be able to see the named star every night and know, that the deceased will watch over them, no matter where they are.

Giving light during the night

The star will give light every night, so the deceased will never be forgotten!

Name a star as sympathy gift now

See our Sympathy Gift packages
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